Ryan Hicks

Marketing Consultant, Outreach Agent, and Operations Specialist

Ryan Hicks – Clarity’s  Marketing Consultant, Outreach Agent, and Operations Specialist – is an award-winning postsecondary admissions and marketing professional and former finance broker. Since 2010 he has been working primarily in for-profit sectors to recruit, train, and mentor in ways that both inform the corporate narrative and lend integrity to student programs. Ryan is a U.S. Army veteran with post-service learning in business management. For the past five years he has acted as an independent consultant for service advancement, user experience, and consumer outreach with diverse stakeholders to include such learning divisions as health coaching, professional development, and institutional advancement.

In recent years, Ryan’s people-first work ethic has gained him organizational recognition as a top admissions leader. This consumer centered mentality carries over into his approach to content creation and public relations. Ryan considers himself a lifelong learner, and embraces a growth mindset as an essential aspect of his professional repertoire. This perspective, honed through 20 years of work and service, informs his role as the operations representative for Clarity Learning Design.